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Case Study – Engine Intake of a Hypersonic Air Vehicle

The challenge

Aeronautical engineers are designing an unmanned hypersonic vehicle to fly at Mach 10 at an altitude of 45 km. The aircraft will be powered by an air-breathing engine (a supersonic-combustion ramjet). Combustion efficiency dictates that the speed and temperature of the air entering the combustion chamber of the engine must not be more than Mach 3.5 and 1800 K, respectively. The engineers must design the underside of the nose of the aircraft to create a series of weak oblique shocks ahead of and inside the engine intake so that the air entering the combustion chamber meets these requirements.

The solution

An oblique shock is formed when air flowing over a surface at supersonic speed encounters a sudden change in surface direction. Across the shock there is a fall in Mach number and a rise in temperature and pressure. To create a series of oblique shocks, the underside of the nose of the aircraft must be made of a series of flat panels at increasing angles to the flight direction. The angle and length of each panel must be designed so that the oblique shocks resulting from each change of flow direction all terminate at the lip of the engine intake.

Nose of hypersonic air vehicle

Atkinson Science created a Windows application to calculate the wave angle of an oblique shock and the change in properties across the shock. The application is based on classical theory which assumes that the flow upstream and downstream of the shock is isentropic. We specified three panels along the underside of the nose of the aircraft with angles of 9°, 13° and 18° to the flight direction. The Windows application gave the wave angle of the shock at the leading edge of each panel and it was only necessary to adjust the length of each panel to make the three shocks terminate at the lip of the engine intake. A fourth oblique shock was formed inside the intake. Across the four shocks the Mach number fell from 10 to 6.9 to 6.2 to 5.5 to 3.4 and the temperature rose from 264 to 517 to 628 to 782 to 1652 K. In the illustration below the Windows application displays the change in flow properties across the fourth shock. The flow between the shocks is assumed to be isentropic, so the method does not account for the losses or the displacement of the flow due to the boundary layer on the underside of the nose. However, it provides good first approximations to the lengths of the panels and the overall size and shape of the nose.

Oblique shock Windows application

The benefits

Atkinson Science quickly established the basic design of the nose of the hypersonic vehicle by incorporating classical shock theory into a Windows application.

Try our free-to-use  web version of the Oblique Shock Windows application.