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Case Study – Fume Dispersion from the Malta Biosciences Park

The challenge

A new biosciences park is being planned for the island of Malta, to be located 3 km inland from Valetta on the east coast. Initially there will be three buildings on the park: LS1, a six-storey tower block; LS2, a two-storey building around the north and east sides of LS1; and LS3, a two-storey building to the north of LS2. Building LS2 will have seven stacks on its roof that will discharge fumes to the atmosphere. The fumes must disperse safely into the atmosphere and not pose a hazard to the occupants of other buildings or pedestrians. When the wind is from the north, LS1 is directly in the path of the fumes from the stacks. Even so, the fumes must be diluted at least fifty times before they come into contact with LS1.

The solution

Atkinson Science used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to determine whether the stacks would produce the necessary number of dilutions at wind conditions encountered on Malta. The CFD model is shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows a close-up of the stacks, which are numbered 1 to 7. Apart from stack no. 4, all the stacks contain four vents. Stack no. 4 contains two vents. Figure 3 shows a close-up of stacks 1 and 2. The stacks were created separately and then imported into the main CFD model at the appropriate locations. We used the CFD model to calculate the dispersion of the fumes for a wind speed of 0.5 m s−1 (light air on the Beaufort scale) and a wind speed of 2.5 m s−1 (a light breeze on the Beaufort scale) with the wind direction every 30° from north.

Fig 1  CFD model

CFD model

Fig 2  Numbering of the stacks

Numbering of the stacks

Fig 3  Close-up of the stacks

Close-up of the stacks

In a light wind the pollutants from a stack will follow a high trajectory but will disperse slowly, whereas in a heavy wind the pollutants will follow a low trajectory but will disperse rapidly. Figure 4 shows isosurfaces representing 50 dilutions for each of the stacks when the wind is 30° from north (approximately NNE) at 0.5 m s−1. The isosurfaces for stacks 3 and 4 (coloured dark blue and magenta, respectively) envelope the upper storeys of building LS1. In fact, the fumes from stack 3 undergo only 20 dilutions before they reach the building – far fewer than required. Figure 5 shows isosurfaces representing 50 dilutions with the wind from the same direction but at 2.5 m s−1. Although the fumes follow a lower trajectory, they disperse much faster and so the isosurfaces do not reach LS1.

Fig 4  Isosurfaces representing 50 dilutions. Wind from NNE at 0.5 m s−1

Isosurfaces. Wind from NNE at 0.5 m s<sup>−1</sup>

Fig 5  Isosurfaces representing 50 dilutions. Wind from NNE at 2.5 m s−1

Isosurfaces. Wind from NNE at 2.5 m s<sup>−1</sup>

The stacks under-perform at low wind speed. To improve the performance we can increase the exit speed of the fumes so they follow a higher trajectory. We created new stacks as shown in Figure 6. The vents have less than half the exit area of the original vents, so the exit speed is more than doubled.

Fig 6  Close-up of the new stacks

Close-up of the new stacks

Figure 7 shows isosurfaces representing 50 dilutions for each of the stacks for a NNE wind at 0.5 m s−1. The isosurfaces for stacks 3 and 4 now rise clear of building LS1. Figure 8 shows the same isosurfaces when the wind is at 2.5 m s−1. The fumes follow a lower trajectory but disperse much faster and so the isosurfaces do not reach LS1.

Fig 7  Isosurfaces representing 50 dilutions. Wind from NNE at 0.5 m s−1. New stacks

Isosurfaces. Wind from NNE at 0.5 m s<sup>−1</sup>

Fig 8  Isosurfaces representing 50 dilutions. Wind from NNE at 2.5 m s−1. New stacks

Isosurfaces. Wind from NNE at 2.5 m s<sup>−1</sup>

The benefits

Atkinson Science used CFD to show that the stacks on LS2 do not disperse the fumes sufficiently at low wind speed. However, we demonstrated to the client how the stacks can be modified to achieve the required number of dilutions.